Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The strange way robots interact with psychopaths

The strange way robots interact with psychopathsThe strange way robots interact with psychopathsWeve all heard of the psychological exercise known as the Prisoners Dilemma.Two criminals get busted for committinga crime together and are interrogated separately. If one criminal rats out the other one while the other one keeps quiet, the rat walks and their accomplice does the max time of three years. If they both rat each other out they both get shorter sentences- two years each. If neither snitch, the criminals get a year each for a lesser charge.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThe idea is to determine how to manipulate individuals thatprivilege self-interest to ultimately serve cooperation. Ladders previously reported on an experiment conducted by the Victoria University of hauptstadt von neuseeland and The University of Southampton in the United Kingdom. The researchers involve d aimed to establish how successfulteams operated when they were forced to cooperate with psychopaths. The results unfolded in the way you might have suspected. The higher the volume of psychopaths the less productive the team.I think, in corporations, they might engage in teamwork to the extent it furthers their careers, but will be less likely to co-operate, and probably back-stab others when necessary to further themselves. added, associate professorof psychology at the University of Otago,Martin Sellbom.But can this potent lack of empathy be informative in some way? For instance, in the ever-expandingworld of A.I, a team of researchersrecently motioned that psychopaths can potentially provide avenues of more nuanced occasions of self-interest. Their new experiment sought to test the limits of artificialintelligence and the technologys ability to correctly interpret emotions.Robot see,robot doThree researchers from the University of Waterloo conducted an experiment to determine h ow AI units can manipulate selfish individuals into cooperationThe team recreated the classic prisoners dilemma mentioned above but replaced one of the self-motivated criminals with an AI avatar and the incentive of decreased time with gold. Avatars were set with an array of emotional displays, from nuanced facial expressions to specific utterances.The human prisoner and the avatar were permitted to survey each others emotions. The more human-like the avatar, the more likely the human participant welches to cooperate. While researchers can successfully improve perception of Human Uniqueness traits by making agents smarter, emotions are critical for perception of Human Nature traits. This improvement also positively affected users cooperation with the agent and their enjoyment, says the studys lead authors.Recently researchers at MIT designed an AI robot after the lead character from Alfred Hitchcocks 1960 opus,Psycho. According to the researchers, Norman was the worlds first psychop athic robot. Among other things, Normal was created to eliminate the potential for inherent biases in virtual units. Back in 2016, an algorithm utilized by a US court was discovered to conceivably label black prisoners to re-offend. Norman was exposed to the darkest corners of Reddit, proving that data can be introduced to dramatically alter the behavior of artificial intelligence.The potential for artificial intelligence to mimic human mannerisms for alterer motives is monumental. While this may very well present many positive strides in psychological research, some have smartlyidentified the grim portends this new data usher in. Virtual agents furthering their graspon sentience couldpresent several very real dilemmasin the near future.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from nesthkchen Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe wo rst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Thursday, December 26, 2019

5 steps to a healthy work-life balance when youre your own boss

5 steps to a healthy work-life balance when youre your own boss5 steps to a healthy work-life balance when youre your own bossFor many small business owners, your week is so overrun with meetings- not to mention requests from both clients and employees - that you have to spend the whole weekend catching your breath and getting ahead before Monday sends you into overdrive again.At the same time, while your small business has become such a deep-rooted part of your character because it was born out of your passion, you wouldnt trade it for anything.Welcome to the world of being your own boss.Heres how to inch closer to thework-life balance you need to keep from burning out.Work outside of your business and away from homeMix things up by crossing things off your work to-do list in a coffee shop, a co-working space or a library instead ofroutinely bringing it all home with you.All those hours spent cooped up at work - plus other obligations you need to tend to in the comfort of your ow n home - can make it difficult to focus on extra things you need to do to move your business forward. Take your work somewhere else to get in the right headspace.Set energy boundariesA big part of work-life balance for entrepreneurs boils down toenergy management.What energy drains in your life need to be eliminated or minimized? Perhaps you have a few high maintenance clients that suck up all your energy, or maybe your cluttered arbeitszimmer is dragging you down. Which energy refuelers must be present to help you maintain the energy you need for your life? Virtual Office Managerfounder Lori Lear Young writes on LinkedIn.Lear suggests taking a long weekend at minimum once a month as a way to re-energize.Make your off-limits time crystal clearProtecting your downtime might as well be another full-time job.Alyssa Gregory, small business expert and founder of small business blog and online community Small Business Bonfire, writes on The Balance about how to communicate your ground ru les to clients.She provides an exampleLets say, for example, that you take off every Thursday afternoon to go to your daughters soccer games. You could just make a unilateral statement to all of your clients that you will be out of the office on Thursday afternoon, so they dont expect a response to their messages. Or, you could share why you take off on Thursday afternoons to expand the personal element of your relationship with your clients. Either way, its important to make sure your clients know in advance that you will be unavailable during that time, Gregory writes.Prioritize self-care - for both yourself and your staffDont just talk about self-care - live it, and model it for your employees so they know that they should also take care of themselves.Peri Pakroo, business and communications consultant, and author of The Womens Small Business Start-Up Kit, writes in Monster that entrepreneurs shouldnt ignore the obvious.Live healthy. Eat well. Exercise regularly. Dont drink too much. Laugh a lot. Smell the jasmine. Encourage your staff to do the same. These small quality choices will help to create a balanced approach to life and business that will benefit both, she continues.Make time for your family, friends, and hobbiesYou may love your business, but you are not your company. Dont let work consume youto the point where you forget who you really are.The people who mean the fruchtwein to you likely see you as much more than your professional achievements, and wont necessarily define you based on how youre faring as an entrepreneur (whether its going well or not).So remember what else makes you special by tapping into what they admire about you- other than your business prowess.But it shouldnt be all take, take take do the same for them by lending an ear and propping them up.As for hobbies, you were a person with other passions, goals and achievements before founding your business, and you will still have other interests once you retire.So go be the pers on youve always wanted to be outside of work - take a class on dancing, pottery, exercise, cooking, you name itCarving out time to develop other strengths will help you approach life with new eyes - and hopefully, rose-colored glasses - more often.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

First Annual National Career Summit Features 30+ Job amp; Career Experts, Nov. 4-15

First Annual National Career Summit Features 30+ Job amp Career Experts, Nov. 4-15 First Annual National Career Summit Features 30+ Job amp Career Experts, Nov. 4-15 With more than 10,000 participants expected to attend, the Summit will offer a series of one-hour long interviews with a range of experts who will share insights and advice on topics like how to win your first job, jumpstart your career, and re-entering todays competitive job market.Leading industry experts includeNew York Times bestselling author Martin YateClinton Kelly, co-host of TLCs What Not to Wear on TLC and ABC Daytimes The ChewPersonal Branding Guru William ArrudaBrian Tracy, one of the nations leading experts in the field of training and developmentAnd many more.The National Career Summit aims to help Americans successfully navigate the increasingly competitive and complex job market by providing resume and interview strategies, social media dos and donts and leadership skills. To learn more about the Summit and register, visit www.nationalcareersummit.com.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How to Write a Television Spec Script

How to Write a Television Spec ScriptHow to Write a Television Spec ScriptIf youre hoping to one day find yourself working as a writer for television, then you need to quickly become familiar with how to write a spec script. Spec Script Basics Spec is short for the speculative script. It technically refers to something you wrote on speculation (sometimes referred to as wrote on spec), which really means that you wrote the script for free. You hope that you might later sell it or get hired for a writing job because of it, but to have the chance of either possibility, your only choice was to write the script. After all, much in the same way an artist or photographer has a portfolio, the television writer has a collection of sample scripts that show the Hollywood community that they can, in fact, write for television. Unlike a spec script for movies where your skills can sell a script, a television spec script is meant to sell your skills. A spec script for television is typically one of two things. Its either an episode of an existing television show or its an original piece of work such as a television pilot. Sometimes a movie script or play can be used if it shows a truly unique voice or talent that might elend be evident in a typical television script. But usually, its either an original pilot or a sample episode of a popular TV series. Decide What Type of TV Writer You Wish to Become Are you more reisepassionate about comedy or drama? What type of shows do you enjoy as a viewer? Make a list of your favorite TV shows. Start asking yourself which of those shows would be the most fun to write on. If youre an or junkie, then becoming a comedy writer is probably notlage for you. But on the other hand, if you love The Office and popular drama-dies (mix of comedy and drama) like or Ugly Betty then becoming a TV comedy writer might be the career path of choice. Tip You might be multi-talented and able to write for both comedies and dramas. Eventually, you mi ght have the opportunity to do so. But when youre first starting out, its extremely important that you focus your efforts on one or the other. It comes off as both arrogant and ignorant when a newbie TV writer states they can write in every literaturform imaginable. Sample Episode Now that youve determined whether you are a comedy writer or a drama writer, your next order of business is to decide which show youre going to write a sample episode of. To do this, take a look at your list of favorite shows. Which of those shows are the most popular? Which ones have the most buzz around them? What youre looking to do here is eliminate the shows that few people (other than you) are watching or even aware of. Consider who your audience is prospective werbers, managers, and other writers. So, choose the show that you both have a passion for and that is popular or buzzworthy. Tip A buzzworthy show might be a television show that might not be exceptionally popular with the viewers or even with the critics, but for whatever reason, draws a lot of attention to it. For example, the comedy Two and a Half Men is quite popular, but The Office is more buzzworthy. For dramas, Greys Anatomyis extremely popular, but Dexterhas a lot of buzz around it. Sometimes writing a high-quality episode of a buzzworthy show will get you noticed faster than writing whats popular. Study the Shows Format Understand how the show is created from a writers perspective. Ideally, youll want to not only watch as many episodes as you can, but youll also want to track down a few scripts of the show if possible. If you live in Los Angeles, there are a number of local booksellers that offer up episodes of numerous television shows. If you live outside Los Angeles, simply type in the show youre considering writing into Google with the word, scripts and more than likely, youll locate someone who (for a modest fee) will send you as many episode scripts as you need. Tip Be aya NOT to get a transcript of a given show. A transcript is nothing more than the dialogue as its heard when it plays on television. You want an actual script that includes all dialogue, stage direction, and descriptions. Once you have a number of scripts in hand, begin to track how the show is structured. Is it a two, three or four act structure? Does it have an A story (main story) along with a B story (another story thats usually less significant) or maybe even a runner or C story (a small storyline that unfolds in the background of a given episode)? What are the voices of each character like? What makes them unique? Do they have particular words they say or gestures they make or specific likes and dislikes? Make notes of anything you think might be helpful as you go to write your own sample episode of the show youve chosen. Start Writing Youre now ready to begin the fun (and terrifying) process of writing your spec script. Now, unlike every writing handbook on the planet, I will tell you there is no right way or wrong way to write a script. You have to do whatever works for you. I often recommend to new writers to start with an outline first of the basic elements of the story and then slowly flesh out (adding material and dialogue) each scene until it starts to take shape. An outline will help you keep your story on track and point out any holes that might be there before you jump into dialogue. There are a few no-nos that you want to pay attention to when writing a spec script. If you ignore the following pieces of advice, chances are your script wont make it very far up the ladder. That said, sometimes the phrase, the only rules are, there are no rules is perfect for writing a spec. Get Feedback Now that youve written your first draft, you need to get some feedback in the form of notes. Preferably from people who know how to give notes. Notes refer to a collection of valuable suggestions that will help improve the overall quality of your spec script. Keep in mind there is a huge difference between notes and opinions. Opinions are things like, I liked it, It was funny, It was scary and the like. Frankly, opinions are useless. You need more actionable notes that will allow you to fix whats broken. Try to give your script to friends who are either writers or in the industry or at least have a thorough understanding of the type of constructive criticism that youre looking for. You want to pass it out to at least 3-4 people. This will give you a wide enough variance of opinions, but youll also start to see numerous similarities in the notes that are given. By the way, when you receive the same note from three or four different people, thats a note to address. A Note on NotesGetting notes on your script can be a painful experience. But if you can teach yourself to remove any emotional element from whats being said, youll find the experience quite valuable. You need to detach yourself from the script, stay very quiet and listen to what the note-giver is trying to tell you. It doesnt matter if you think the scene you wrote is brilliant if three of your readers cant make sense of it, you need to hear what the problems are and figure out how to address them. Rewrite Until Ready Take the time to get the feedback your script needs and deserves. Once you have all of your notes in hand, start rewriting. Address the notes you agree with and ignore the ones you dont. Its your script after all. A rewrite can take its time as well. Give it the time it needs. You will often find as many writers do that the perfection you thought existed in the first draft got a lot more perfect as you did a rewrite. Learn to lose whats not working and never marry yourself to a scene, joke, line or character. If something is weighing down the quality of your script, it will ruin your chances for success. The more youre willing to change the better your script can become. That said, you might have certain elements that you feel quite strongly about. Assuming your note-givers didnt all give you the same note to fix it, then you might decide to keep that piece. Just be sure to open yourself to the possibility that a rewrite might dramatically improve whats already there. Network and Repeat Youve done it You now have the perfect spec script ready to show off to anyone who might be willing to read it. So, now you have to go out and meet people that might be willing to read it You can do this bynetworkingat various events, by taking classes, working as an assistant to an agent or executive and any number of other ways that people have managed to break in. (Again, theres no right or wrong way to do this.) You may now want to consider repeating the process. Write a spec script of another show so that you have at least two samples someone can read that shows off your skills as a writer. You wont exactly double your chances of success, but the extra spec comes in mighty handy if youre told a certain agent or executive wont read the show you ve written (which happens from time to time). Writing a spec script can be a long and arduous process. But if you give it the time and preparation it needs to blossom, chances are you will write a spec script that will do more than enthrall the reader itll get you a professional television writing job Final Thoughts Dont Create New Main CharactersIn a spec, you never want to create a new main character for a show. It doesnt matter how funny or inventive you think the new character is, by inventing a new main character, you change the dynamics of the show and some potential employers will find that arrogant. Keep in mind that Im referring to the creation of characters that will go beyond the episode youre writing. You can create as many characters as you need for a single episode.Stay Away from the Cabin ShowThe cabin show refers to those episodes of sit-coms that have the group trapped together in some way for example, in a mountain cabin in a snowstorm. Whatever show you choo se already has well-established dynamics. And since youre writing a sample episode of the show youve chosen to convince others that you can, in fact, write within the pre-established parameters, be sure to do so. Follow the FormatAgain, its crucial that you follow the pre-existing format of the show. Do not waver from this even slightly, because your creation could quickly become unrecognizable.Stay on VoiceEach character has a unique voice in the show, and the show itself has its unique tone. You want to be 100% sure you nail these elements.Rewrite Until Its ReadyDont be in a hurry to get your spec out to an agent. You want to be sure its ready to be read as chances are, youll have one shot and one shot only. So, take the time to get your first draft ready get good notes and do appropriate rewrites before you show off your work.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Classic Warning Signs to Avoid Job Scams Find Your Dream Job

Classic Warning Signs to Avoid Job Scams Find Your Dream JobClassic Warning Signs to Avoid Job Scams - Find Your Dream JobWhile job boards and job search engines list a number of legitimate job openings, there are also a variety of scams on many of these sites. Scammers list fake job openings to try to collect your personal information or receive money from you. The job market is competitive, and as a job seeker you will likely be searching for your new position in a number of complementary ways. Youve got your Linked-n profile up to date, and you have probably got your resume listed on different job boards and search engines. While the ability to reach a lot of potential employers and make helpful contacts is enhanced by getting your documents out there, it also opens you up to scammers seeking to take advantage of your information. Today you will learn the classic signs of a job scam. This knowledge will allow you to avoid job scams, and focus on finding the right job for you. Scam Warning Signs Trust your instincts, and dont give out personal information to companies until youre sure they are legitimate. It can be hard to tell, given that so many companies are now operating remotely, and that means that you need to be hyper-tuned to the possibility of scams. It is too good to be true. If a job listing seems too good to be true, it probably is. Get rich quick listings ones that promise great wealth, especially for part-time jobs are often the work of scammers.They contact you first. If you get an email from a company claiming that they found your resume online, be sure to thoroughly research the company and the listing. If they offer you a job or an interview before you have even applied, the listing is likely a scam.They ask you to pay money. If a job listing requires you to pay money, it is a scam. Never pay money as part of a job application, whether it is for work-at-home directories, software, or a credit report. No legitimate job listing will re quire you to purchase something. They ask for your bank account information. Many scams will ask you for your bank account information, either to tischset up a direct deposit, transfer money to your account, or send you a check. Any listing that asks for this information this early in the hiring process is a scam.The job listing description is vague. Typically, a job scam will provide a vague job description, or one that many people would be qualified to do. Most legitimate job listings have more specific job descriptions, and an extensive list of qualifications. The listing is unprofessional. A fake job listing will often have poor punctuation and grammar. The font might even change throughout the listing. The contact information might be unprofessional too it might be someones personal email, or there might be very limited contact information. Legitimate companies hire people to write professional job listings, and they will provide detailed, professional contact information. How to Avoid Scams Do your research before applying for on-line positions, or with companies unfamiliar to you. Make sure you keep your personal information protected until you are certain of the legitimacy of a company. Use the right job boards. Scammers tend to troll job boards looking for people to scam. To reduce the risk of being scammed, use job sites that have extensive privacy policies that only allow verified employers to post listings.Research the company. Go on the companys website to confirm it is a legitimate organization. Check out the description of the company in the About section of the site to make sure it matches with the description of the company on the job listing. See if the job listing is posted on the company site too. Search for the name of the contact on the website to make sure he or she actually works there. If you are still unsure if the listing in legitimate, call the company to confirm. Ask for references. Just as employers can ask for your reference s, you are allowed to ask for a companys references. Request a list of employees or contractors, and then contact some of these references to ask questions about what it is like to work at the company. If the company contact will not provide references, do not apply for the position.Check job scam lists. Check with organizations like the Federal Trade Commission or the Better Business Bureau to see if others have reported the listing as a scam. You can also copy and paste part of the listing into Google to see if others have reported it as a scam. If you end up being scammed, or think you have been, report the job scam immediately. Its up to everyone to make sure that the job boards are safe for job seekers, and to help shut down online scams.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Registered Nurse Resume Examples and Why You Must Take Action Today

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Registered Nurse Resume Examples and Why You Must Take Action Today Registered Nurse Resume Examples Secrets To receive your resume chosen by that software, you should incorporate the conditions and keywords that the program is searching for. An excellent nurse can empathize with patients and knows the way to create the experience more comfortable and pleasant. Right away you should permit the prospective employer know that youre a certified and certified Registered Nurse. The skilled writers make sure that the resume communicates strengths that employers search for in nursing resumes. You are going to want your latest education on top. Though it isnt explicitly required to develop into a holistic nurse, some RNs wishing to advance in the holistic nursing field will decide to enroll in masters programs with concentrations that are focused on holistic nursing. Think of what you could do for a medical facility it will indicate your degree of commitment. Make sure all of the information that you include is relevant. Many processes in hospitals are automated. While resume formats can change among industries and individuals, there are a few features that are constant. To put it simply, by applying a number of expert strategies, an NP in the middle of a work search can observe an immediate increase in interviews and resulting job offers. Applying for employment in the health-care institution can be an intimidating undertaking. If it isnt on the job which you want to understand even more about, skip it. You must be good at your work. For instance, you might attempt to send out a particular number of resumes weekly. Whats more, it would be best in the event you state all of the data in bullet points rather than writing lengthy and tedious paragraphs. A good example is the value of a cover letter. Commonsense issues, such as lying or using incorrect grammar, may be obvious and simple to keep away from, but there are a number of other mistakes which are less apparent. Dont be afraid to reach out to personal or professional contacts who might offer insight into a business or basic advice. Actually, mentioning the license number could just produce the recruiters job very very uncomplicated and could work as a distinguishing element for you. The more specifically you are able to relate your experience to the necessities of the open position, the better your odds of scoring an interview. Remember youre competing for work in a profession thats growing and youre competing in the time of the email application practice. Therefore, most potential employers first consider the licensure details before reading the resume in full. The licenses and certifications youve earned not only allow it to be possible that you work in a particular state, they also raise your value in the view of a hiring manager based on the number of youve earned. When it regards privacy reasons, avoid including your real n umber since the majority of the employers will normally request a duplicate of the license later in the hiring process. You may also opt to design high-quality resumes for business purposes.Getting the most of a resume layout is obtaining an acceptable along with clever system for lots of aspects. How to verstndigung im strafverfahren with your skills There are lots of tactics to deal with the skills section on your resume, and youre able to read our full skills section writing guide here. When you have experience in using medical-related software, be certain that you include it. The aforementioned template has all of the guidelines and you ought to have the ability to prepare an impressive resume using it as a reference. A Startling Fact about Registered Nurse Resume Examples Uncovered Based on your degree of experience, a nurse resume can choose the form in whatever way which most highlights the positive facets of a nurse applicants qualifications. Indeed if youre a registe red nurse, working in nursing homes is frequently a smart career which you ought to consider as an intelligent move. If you would like to turn into a registered nurse in a health center or healthcare institute, first thing you have to do is writing of registered nurse resume. There are lots of nurses looking for work, but not all them have the exact education or specialization. For the large part, the nurses personality and character arrive at the forefront whenever somebody describes an incredible nurse. Firstly, youll need to put in your nurse resume the duties youve got experience with and are mentioned in the work description, attempting to match them as close as possible. All the roles need an RN license in good standing along with several years experience, elongated schooling and professional development to satisfy the necessities of the role and manage reporting staff. If youre interested in new roles inside your own healthcare organization, take the opportunity to talk about your nursing career goals with your supervisor so they can help guide you.

Monday, December 2, 2019

5 Steps to Build Self-Confidence

5 Steps to Build Self-Confidence I had an interesting conversation with a gentleman last week. We were at an event Id spoken at, and he and I were discussing my performance. He told me that in the first 60-90 seconds he could tell I was nervous, yet, after that, I loosened up and got into the feel of it. Although he told me he believed public speaking was certainly in my future, there was one very important area I needed to master to bring it all together.Heres a what-my-memory-will-allow recap of ur conversationHim Besides the higher-ups, who are the best paid people in a company?Me Developers?Him Sales. And why is this?Me Because fruchtwein people arent comfortable asking for money.Him So, what is it about sales people that enable them to feel comfortable doing so?Me Aggression?Him ConfidenceThis intrigued me and led me to the article Key Qualities of a Great Sales Person. The author lists eight of the most common traits of great sales people, and guess what came in at number two? Confidence.The author writes that a confident person believes in his/her own abilities and can handle rejection. Sales people either dont take no for an answer or dont take no personally. They are driven and go for what they want, oftentimes stopping at notlagehing until theyve accomplished their goals.I wonder what would happen if wed all adopt a sales mentality for every area of our lives? How much could you accomplish if you didnt take no for an answer? If you were driven and relentlessly pursued your desires? I believe this mentality is possible for everyone, but it all begins with self-confidence.You know the saying, confidence is key? Well, its true. If you dont believe in your abilities and skills, how will you stay motivated? What will drive you? What force would push you to accept nothing but what you set out to accomplish?Below are five tips for building your self-confidence, advice I a lso plan to take to ensure I have a sales mindset for all my endeavors1. Review past accomplishmentsWhen facing a big challenge, project or task, sometimes all we need is a reminder that weve been there and done that. Look at your past accomplishments to see if any are similar to what youre currently facing. This should help build your confidence, knowing that youve already successfully accomplished a similar task. You can do this too. Even if you dont have past accomplishments similar to your current task, you have past accomplishments. Dont forget what you have done, which can show you that you do have the skills and abilities to achieve things.2. Dont underestimate your roleUnsure if youre good enough or qualified to fulfill a task? Think about your current role. You applied for the job and were selected out of X amount of other applicants. Obviously, youre qualified to fulfill the role youre in dont underestimate that. Look for ways your current role relates to the task at hand. Were you asked to manage a project because of your role? Were you chosen to speak at an event because of the topics you regularly write about? Just like your current role, there is a reason you were presented with the opportunity at hand. Dont downplay that.3. Think about your strengthsA great way to increase your self-confidence is to think about your strengths. Make a list of every area youre strong in (you may be surprised at how long it is). Dont forget areas others, such as managers, mentors, colleagues, etc., have noted as your strengths. This helps build confidence because it reaffirms your skills and abilities. You can also make a list of your weakness and challenge yourself to improve upon them. Personal and professional development, i.e. making the effort to improve weak areas, is certainly a sign of strength.4. Assess your goalsA lot of times it helps to assess your goals. What are your short-term and long-term goals? What is your motivation for both? Sometimes looking a t the reason behind why were pursuing something helps our confidence. Its much easier to maintain your confidence when working toward a degree in a field that you love and are passionate about versus a degree that family and friends think youd be better suited for.Also remember when thinking about your goals, only you can get you there. If you dont believe in yourself and your capabilities, who else will? Think about a job interview. If youre not fully confident that youre the best person to fill the position, why would a hiring manager be convinced? You must be your number one fan.5. Fake it till you make itThis is a common saying, but I think its true when it comes to confidence. The gentleman offering me constructive criticism agreed If your confidence isnt there, you still need to act like it is. He told me to think about actors and actresses, they play a part and become a character on screen, but that doesnt mean thats who they are in real life. Of course, you eventually want t o truly possess self-confidence, but this doesnt always happen overnight. Sometimes you need to act like youre confident. Oftentimes when you do this, confidence will inevitably build within you.