Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Looking for a Job Is Different than it was Last Time

Looking for a Job Is Different than it was Last Time What I saw the other night in a room of over 20 people was that more than half of them had not had to look for a job in over 5 years. Think about how our lives have changed in just10 years. A gallon of gas cost a little over $1.00 The Euro was first established You could fly on an airplane without worrying Airline reservations were mostly made over the phone VOIP didnt exist to the public (no digital phone) You may not have had email then, you must have it now iPods didnt exist Social networking sites were just beginning You wouldnt have considered buying anything on-line Life is different. How you look for a job HAS to be different too. Peter Weddle at one point said there were over 40,000 job boards. Good luckfinding a job on one. What about Indeed? If you have to use on-line boards, this search engine is for you. Most of the time you apply for jobs today it will be done on-line. You will have to create a profile, then complete an on-line application and submit your resume electronically. If you have never done this before, it is time consuming. If you dont know about LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or the other social networking tools, and yes, Ill call them tools, you need to understand how they work. See this earlier post Your resume will fall into a black hole and you will never know if they received it. Even after an interview, you will be lucky to get a call back unless you are the selected candidate. All these changes (and more) will frustrate you. You can get angry or depressed or both. This is why you need help and need to learn how to do a job search in 2009. It isnt the same. Check out your local One-stop.Previously known as the Unemployment office, these vary from state to state, but have FREE resources. Go to the library and bookstores. Only read books published within the last few years. Read websites, look in the newspapers for local events. Find groups dedicated to helping job seekers. Dont think you can do your job search alone, please.

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