Friday, May 8, 2020

Social Media Dos And Donts -

Social Media Do’s And Don’ts Preparing for a job interview used to be a lot more straightforward. To get ready, you just had to make sure your clothing was professional and practice answering a few questions in front of your mirror to feel equipped for the interview. Today, however, the interviewing process has changed considerably. It is still a good idea to dress the part and practice how you will answer the interviewer’s questions, but it is important to remember you have to do more. Job seekers today need to be aware of the presence they leave on social media, because as many as 76 percent of employers use social networks to screen candidates.Employers want to know as much about candidates as possible, and social media gives them a window into their personal and professional lives, whether they want them to be seen or not. Recent graduates who are job seekers might find the idea offensive, but employers have learned that they can mitigate the risk of hiring someone unreliable or someone who could be a pot ential PR liability by scanning candidates’ publicly available social media presence. Recent graduates whose profiles are filled with photos of late-night parties, for example, could be seen as riskier than other candidates whose profiles are more sedate. Want to Read More Articles Like This One?Sign up here to receive weekly updates from Career Enlightenment, and never miss another powerful job searching tip! SUBSCRIBE! You have Successfully Subscribed!We hate spam too. Unsubscribe any time. Job seekers need to be aware of what could be considered red flags on their social media profiles to employers. With some careful curating, job seekers can optimize their Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages to minimize their risk to employers and serve as powerful promotional tools in their own right. The following guide presents some basic tips for cleaning up and polishing social media pages for young job seekers. Follow it, and you can step into your next job interview confident that you are prepared in every way.Heres an infographic courtesy of Stevenson University Online, which first appeared on Slideshare  on Jan 10, 2017. And let us know what you think in the comments below.  

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